Nicole Karmali
Director of Operations, Oliver & Bonacini Events and Catering
Nicole joined O&B in 2003, after completing her Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Guelph (Hotel and Food Administration). She quickly moved up the ranks, working at Jump and O&B Café Grill before being appointed Director of Operations, Events and Catering, where she was tasked with the opening of the Toronto Region Board of Trade facility in 2008. Guided by her mandate to “create the restaurant experience in an event venue”, Nicole’s responsibilities now include Malaparte, Arcadian Loft and Arcadian Court, The Carlu and Windermere House. In 2008, Nicole completed an Event Management Certificate from Ryerson University, and in 2009 was named to the Ontario Hostelry Institute’s distinguished list of the Top 30 Under 30.
Nicole’s Story
Promoted to General Manager
Fusce vestibulum nunc non libero placerat, sed rutrum purus laoreet. Pellentesque id urna nulla. Vivamus consequat lobortis rhoncus. Vestibulum rhoncus sed nulla ornare vulputate. Curabitur tellus mauris, lobortis in ante id, aliquet porttitor augue. Nam dictum mollis urna vel gravida.
Served as Assistant Manager
Maecenas feugiat consequat tincidunt. Nunc at sapien ac velit iaculis porta in nec magna.
Hired as a Host
Nullam dignissim mauris rutrum turpis iaculis, id vulputate orci commodo. Praesent a dolor sit amet mauris euismod lacinia at vel dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Graduated from University
Integer maximus placerat mi, quis ullamcorper risus ullamcorper vel. Mauris fringilla eros quam, sit amet faucibus metus luctus eu.